More Vocabulary

The mask is the computer data set, together with an operation permit selectively extract certain data stored in another set. The term comes, figuratively, the ability of masks to allow through their holes displaying certain parts of what they cover, as well as hidden (masked) that areas not covered by perforated.


A network or network is a group of computers connected together through various methods of sharing information and services.
It is called the network or even network to those series of computers or computing devices that are connected by wires, waves, signs or other means for the purpose of transmitting data to one another, as well as resources and services in order to generate a shared experience work and save time and money

The .net domain name is a generic top-level domain (gTLD for its acronym in English) used in the Domain Name System of the Internet. Its name derives from the English word "network" which means network, indicating that originally was intended for organizations involved in networking technologies, such as the Internet service providers and other infrastructure companies. However, restrictions were never implemented and, at present, the domain is a namespace with a general purpose. The name is still popular with network operators and often is considered as an alternative to .com.

A network card or network adapter is a peripheral that allows communication with devices connected together and sharing resources between two or more computers (hard drives, CD-ROM drives, printers, etc). A network card is also called NIC (network interface card for, in Spanish "network interface card"). There are different types of adapters depending on the type of wiring or architecture that is used in the network (thin coax, thick coax, Token Ring, etc.), but is currently the most common type of Ethernet interface or using an RJ-45

The Network File System (Network File System) or NFS, is an application layer protocol, according to the OSI Model. It is used for distributed file systems on a computer network environment LAN. It enables individual connected to the same network systems to access remote files as if they were local. Originally developed in 1984 by Sun Microsystems, with the goal of which is independent of the machine, the operating system and the transport protocol, it was possible because it's implemented on protocols XDR (presentation) and ONC RPC (session) . [1] the NFS protocol is included by default on UNIX operating systems and most Linux distributions.

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is an Internet protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet routing networks with jitter. NTP uses UDP as its transport layer, using port 123. It is designed to resist the effects of variable latency

NAT (Network Address Translation - Network Address Translation) is a mechanism used by IP routers to exchange packets between two networks that assign mutually incompatible directions. Is to convert, in real time, the addresses used in packets transported. You also need to edit the packages to allow operation of protocols including address information within the protocol conversation


NAT (Network Address Translation - Network Address Translation) is a mechanism used by IP routers to exchange packets between two networks that assign mutually incompatible directions. Is to convert, in real time, the addresses used in packets transported. You also need to edit the packages to allow operation of protocols including address information within the protocol conversation.


Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) is a protocol originally developed for reading and posting Usenet news articles. Its literal translation into Spanish is "Transfer Protocol Network News".


In computing and telecommunication, very generally, a node is a point of intersection, connection or union of several elements that come together in the same place. Now, in the computer node word can mean different things depending on the context in which we move:
In computer networks each machine is a node, and the network is the Internet


It stands for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex. OFDM is a technique that divides a communications channel frequency within a given number of equally spaced frequency bands, where each band in a subcarrier which in turn carries a portion of the user information is transmitted


The model for Open Systems Interconnection (ISO / IEC 7498-1), also called OSI (English, Open System Interconnection 'OSI') is the descriptive network model, which was created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1980. [1] is a framework for defining architectures for the interconnection of communication systems.


Similar to a driver that sits between your network card and TCP program and provides a standard interface program.


In computing, a protocol is a set of porcomputadoraspara reglasusadas communicate through a withother unared.Un unaconvención protocol or standard that controls or enables laconexión, communication, and transfer datosentre two endpoints


Network cables are those wires for connecting computers to each other or networks and terminals is through these that the bits are transferred. There are many types of network cables.


A peer-to-peer networking, peer to peer, peer network, network among peers or peer to peer network (P2P, for its acronym in English) is a computer network in which some or all aspects work without clients or servers fixed, but a series of nodes that behave as equal. Ie simultaneously acting as clients and servers over other network nodes. P2P networks allow the direct exchange of information, in any format, between networked computers.


RPM Package Manager (RPM or originally called Red Hat Package Manager, but became recursive acronym [1]) is a package management tool designed primarily for GNU / Linux. It is able to install, update, uninstall, verify and apply programs. 


A password or a password is a form of authentication that uses secret information to control access to a resource. The password should be kept secret from those who are not allowed access. Those who wish to access the information they are asking for a password; if you know or do not know the password, access is granted or denied information as appropriate.


Securing Wireless LANs with PEAP and Passwords is the second guide WLAN security solutions for Microsoft®. This solution is designed to guide you through the full cycle of planning, implementation, testing and administration of wireless security solutions. It uses a flexible architecture that is tailored to both those organizations with fewer than 50 users, and to those with several thousand.


Performance relative to the performance of a computer, a device, an operating system, a program or a network connection. In computing, measuring or quantifying the speed / result with a task or process is performed. On a computer, its performance depends not only on microprocessor as is commonly thought, but the sum of its components such as memory, bus, different devices, etc. and software.


As a program, ping is a diagnostic utility [1] in computer networks that checks the status of the local host communication with one or more remote computers in an IP network by sending ICMP request packets and response. [2] Using this utility you can diagnose the condition, speed and quality of a given network. 


Are the initials of PoE Power Over Ethernet and allows the transmission of power and data via UTP / STP cable. It is useful in situations where you need to install a network device (such as it can be a wireless access point, IP phone, IP camera or network device that supports this system and there is available an electrical outlet


The Post Office Protocol English expression, which can be translated as Post Office Protocol and is often referred to by their acronyms POP is used in the field of computing. It is a protocol used by email clients to receive and download messages that are hosted on a remote server type.


In computing, a port is a generic way to refer to an interface through which different types of data can be sent and received. This interface can be physical, or it may be at the software level (eg ports that allow data transmission between computers) (see below for details), in which case logical port is often used the term .


PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet or Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a network protocol for encapsulating PPP over Ethernet layer. It is mainly used to provide broadband connection via cable modem and DSL services. This offers the advantages of PPP such as authentication, encryption, and compression maintenance. In essence, it is a protocol that allows to implement an IP layer over a connection between two Ethernet ports, but with the software features of the PPP, which is used to virtually "dial" to another machine within the Ethernet network achieving a "serial" connection to it, with which you can transfer IP packets based on the characteristics of the PPP protocol.


PPTP is a communications protocol developed by Microsoft, US Robotics, Ascend Communications, 3Com / Primary Access, ECI Telematics known collectively as the PPTP Forum, to implement virtual private network or VPN.


A proxy or proxy server in a computer network is a server (a computer program or system), which serves as an intermediary for resource requests made ​​by a client (A) or another server (C). For example, if a hypothetical machine A to C requests a resource, it will by a request to B, which in turn forward the request to C; thus C will not know that the request originally proceeded A. This strategic location halfway point is often exploited to support a variety of features: access control, traffic logging, prohibit certain types of traffic, improve performance, keep the anonymity cache Cache provide web, etc.; the latter serves to accelerate and improve the user experience through permits that will keep the web, this is because the next time the Web pages are visited no information on the website will be removed if not to information from the cache recovered.


A Remote Access Server (RAS) or remote access server is a combination of hardware and software that enables remote access tools or information that typically reside on a network device.


RADIUS (acronym for Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service). A protocol for authentication and authorization applications network access or IP mobility. It uses UDP port 1812 to establish their connections.

A computer network is a collection of interconnected through a medium, which exchange information and share resources devices. Basically, communication within a computer network is a process in which there are two distinct roles for connected devices, transmitter and receiver, which are assuming and alternating at different time points.

. RJ-45

RJ-45 (registered jack 45) is a physical interface commonly used to connect networks structured cabling (Categories 4, 5, 5e, 6 and 6a). It is part of the Code of Federal Regulations of the United States. It has eight pins or electrical connections, normally used as ends twisted pair cables.


For wireless networking, roaming refers to the ability to switch from one coverage area to another without interruption in service or loss in connectivity. It allows users to continue using their wireless network services when traveling outside the geographical area where the service contracted, for example, allows users of mobile phones in Spain continue using their mobile when they travel to another country.


A -anglicismo router; also known as packet ROUTER1 or encaminador2 and hispanicized as router-3 is a device that provides connectivity to network level or third level in the OSI model. Its main function is to send or route data packets from one network to another, ie, interconnecting subnets, meaning subnet an IP machines that can communicate without the intervention of a router (with bridges), and therefore having different network prefixes.


RTP stands for Real-time Transport Protocol, for its name in English. It is a standard developed by the IETF for reliable voice and video over the Internet. The first version was published in 1996 in RFC 1889 and was replaced by the RFC 3550 standard in 2003. 

In wireless telecommunications, RTS (Request to Send English) is an abbreviation for shipment request. If a wireless device wants to communicate with another, it transmits a data unit, known as an RTS packet to the intended recipient, and waits for the recipient to recognize that it is ready. The RTS threshold is the size, in bytes, the RTS packet.

A virus is a program or sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute the entire virus must be scheduled and conducted by computer experts.
Its primary mission is to introduce, as discreetly as possible in a computer system and remain in a dormant state until the necessary condition to trigger is met.
The possible routes of transmission of the virus are: disks, network cable and telephone cable

In computing, a server is a computer that, as part of a network, providing services to other so-called clients.1
Also referred to with the word server:
A software application or program that performs certain tasks for the benefit of other applications called clients. Some common services are the services files, which allow users to store and access files from a computer and application services that perform tasks directly benefit the end user. This is the original meaning of the term. Is it possible for a computer to perform the functions of client and server simultaneously

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) (Simple Protocol for email transfer) is a network protocol used to exchange emails between computers or other devices (PDAs, mobile phones, etc.). It was defined in RFC 2821 and is an official standard Internet.1

It is a cable with a special configuration that allows you to connect two computers together to pass information, also serves for communication between routers and firewalls, but basically it is for that

The Simple Network Management Protocol or SNMP (English Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol of the application layer that facilitates the exchange of management information between network devices. Devices that typically support SNMP include routers, switches, servers, workstations, printers, modem racks and many more. Allows administrators to monitor network performance, find and solve problems, and plan for growth

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