

Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a cipher, ie, a method for encrypting data, chosen as a FIPS standard in the United States in 1976, and whose use is widespread throughout the world. The algorithm was initially controversial with classified design elements of a relatively short key length, and suspicions about the continued existence of a backdoor for the National Security Agency (NSA). DES was subsequently subjected to intense academic analysis and led to the modern concept of block cipher and its cryptanalysis. 

Ethernet (pronounced / iːθərnɛt /) is a standard for local area networks for computers with access to the means for detecting the carrier wave with collision detection (CSMA / CD). Its name comes from the physical concept of ether. Ethernet defines wiring and signaling characteristics of physical layer and formats data frame data link layer of the OSI model. 

Distributed Data Interface Fiber (FDDI: Fiber Distributed Data Interface) are a set of ISO and ANSI standards for data transmission in computer networks local or wide area network (LAN) via fiber optic cable. It is based on token ring architecture and allows full duplex communication type. Since it may cater to thousands of users, an FDDI LAN is often used as backbone for wide area network (WAN).


Finger in computing, a protocol that provides information to users on a machine.

A firewall is a device that acts as a firewall between networks, allowing or denying the transmissions from one network to another. A typical use is to place it between a local network and the Internet, as a safety device to prevent intruders from accessing confidential information.
A firewal is simply a filter that controls all communications passing from one network to the other and depending on what you are allowed or denied passage

A technology that inspects incoming packets of information before allowing it to join the network.

Firmware is a block of machine instructions for specific purposes, recorded in a memory, typically read / write (ROM, EEPROM, flash, etc.), which establishes the lowest level logic that controls the electronics of a device of any kind. It is tightly integrated with the electronic device being software that has direct interaction with the hardware: the manager with to properly execute remote commands

We have seen that the physical frames have a data field and that is where IP datagrams are transported. However, this data field can not have an indefinite length because it is limited by the design of the network. The MTU of a network is the largest amount of data that can transport your physical frame. The MTU of Ethernet networks is 1500 bytes and the Token-Ring networks 8192 bytes. This means that an Ethernet network can never convey a datagram larger than 1500 bytes without fragmenting.

FTP (short for File Transfer Protocol, 'File Transfer Protocol') in computing is a network protocol for transferring files between computers connected to a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), client-based architecture server. From a client computer can connect to a server to download files from it or to send files, regardless of operating system used on each computer. 

Duplex is a term used in telecommunications to define a system that is capable of maintaining two-way communication, sending and receiving messages for simultánea.1 The ability to transmit duplex mode is conditional on several levels:

     Physical environment (able to pass in both directions)
     Transmission system (capable of sending and receiving at the same time)
     Or standard communication protocol used by the terminal equipment

A gateway, gateway or gateway is a device that allows to interconnect networks with different architectures and protocols at all levels of communication. Its purpose is to translate the information from the protocol used in an initial protocol used on the network destination network.


A hacker is someone who discovers the weaknesses of a computer or a computer network, although the term can also apply to someone with advanced knowledge of computers and networks informáticas.1 Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons


late profit, protest or the desafío.2 the subculture that has evolved around hackers is often referred to the underground culture of computers, but is now an open community.

Duplex is a term used in telecommunications to define a system that is capable of maintaining two-way communication, sending and receiving messages for simultánea.1 The ability to transmit duplex mode is conditional on several levels:

     Physical environment (able to pass in both directions)
     Transmission system (capable of sending and receiving at the same time)
     Or standard communication protocol used by the terminal equipment

The term hardware (AFI pronunciation: [hɑːdˌwɛə] or [hɑɹdˌwɛɚ]) refers to all tangible parts of a computer system; its components are: electrical, electronic, electromechanical and mecánicos.1 are cables, cabinets or boxes, peripherals of all kinds and any other physical element involved; contrary, software is intangible and is called software. The term is the English language itself (literally translated: hard parts), its Spanish translation has no meaning chord, for that reason it has been adopted as it is and it sounds; The Royal Spanish Academy defines it as "set of components that make up the physical part of a computer" 2 The term, even the most common, not only applies to computers; likewise, also a robot, a mobile phone, a camera or media player have hardware (and software) .3 4 The history of computer hardware can be classified into four generations, each characterized by a major technological change . A first boundary might be drawn between basic hardware, the minimum required for normal operation of the equipment, and complementary, which performs specific functions.

In text editors for Windows and Linux, the Home key or Home key is mainly used to return the cursor to the beginning of the line where the cursor is located. When the text is not editable, the Home key is used to return to the top of the document (this can also be done in editable text, if CTRL + Home key is presionata).

Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP (in Spanish Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used in each transaction of the World Wide Web. HTTP was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium and the Internet Engineering Task Force, a collaboration that culminated in 1999 with the publication of a series of RFCs, the most important of which is RFC 2616, which specifies the version 1.1. HTTP defines the syntax and semantics using the software elements of the web architecture (clients, servers, proxies) to communicate. It is a transaction-oriented and follows the request-response between a client and server protocol scheme. The client making the request (a web browser or spider) is known as "user agent" (user agent). The information transmitted is called resource and is identified by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Resources can be files, the result of the execution of a program, a query to a database, the automatic translation of a document, etc

Hub hub means, it is a device used in local area networks (LAN - Local Area Network), a local network is one that has a relatively nearby computers interconnected by wires. The primary role of the Hub is to concentrate terminals (other client computers) and repeat the signal it receives from all ports and all computers and listen to it and you can define and send them information corresponds to all what is required; are the basis for creating star-like networks.

Ethernet (pronounced / iːθərnɛt /) is a standard for local area networks for computers with access to the means for detecting the carrier wave with collision detection (CSMA / CD). Its name comes from the physical concept of ether. Ethernet defines wiring and signaling characteristics of physical layer and formats data frame data link layer of the OSI model. 

An intranet is a computer network that uses Internet Protocol technology to share information, operating systems and computing services within an organization. This term is used in contrast to Extranet, a network between organizations, and instead refers to a network within an organization. Sometimes the term refers only to the internal organization of the website, but may be a more extensive part of the infrastructure of information technology in the organization, and may be composed of several LANs. The goal is to arrange the desktop of each individual with minimal cost, time and effort to become more productive, profitable, timely and competitive.


The Institute of Electrical and Engineering electronics1 -abreviado as IEEE , read I- Triple -e in Latin America or in Spain ie- cube ; English Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -1 is a global association of engineers and technicians dedicated to the standardization and development in areas técnicas.1 With nearly 425,000 members and volunteers in 160 countries, 2 3 is the largest international association profit organization formed by professionals of new technologies , such as electrical engineers, electrical engineers , computer scientists , computer engineers , applied mathematicians , biomedical engineers , telecommunications engineers , mechatronics engineers , etc.

Good infrastructure can mean quick access to online technology, less downtime, greater flexibility in mail processing and generally PCs that run smoothly. An infrastructure in which they can depend on can also ensure the success of any change in future technologies. It makes no sense to develop a sophisticated Intranet to share information for decision making within the business, if the network is paralyzed when users try to access.

Configuration in which a wireless network connected to a wired network via an access point.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is an Internet protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet routing networks with jitter. NTP uses UDP as its transport layer, using port 123. It is designed to resist the effects of variable latency.

Internet is a decentralized set of interconnected communications networks that use family TCP / IP protocol, which guarantees that the heterogeneous physical networks that comprise function as a single logical network, worldwide. Its origins date back to 1969 when the first connection of computers, known as Arpanet, three universities in California and one in Utah, United States was established.

stands for Internet Protocol, or in our language, the Internet Protocol. This is a standard that is used for sending and receiving information through a packet switched network that brings.

The so-called IP addresses (or IP Address as are mentioned in English) is a number that can recognize a logic structure and respecting hierarchy to a particular computer interface (as it may be a computer) in the context of a network that works using the IP (Internet protocol corresponding acronym), which is equivalent to the network scale or level 3 of the OSI reference model

Microsoft Windows is ipconfig in a console application that displays the settings of TCP / IP and updates the current configuration of DHCP and Domain Name System (DNS). There are also GUI tools called winipcfg wntipcfg. The role of these tools is similar to the different ifconfig implementations on UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems.


IPsec (short for Internet Protocol security) is a suite of protocols used to secure communications over Internet Protocol (IP) authenticating and / or encrypting each IP packet in a data stream. IPsec also includes protocols for establishing encryption keys.

ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) are reserved internationally for non-commercial use of RF electromagnetic industrial, scientific and medical areas band. Currently these bands have been popularized by its use in WLAN communications (eg Wi-Fi) or WPAN (eg Bluetooth). 
The ISM bands were defined by the ITU in Article 5 of the Radio Regulations (RR), 1 specifically 5.138 and 5.150 points

ISP refers to the English acronym for Internet Services Provider. His Spanish translation allows us to understand quickly and easily what is an ISP; Service Provider or Internet access. The ISPs are also called IAPs, which also corresponds to the acronym in English, in this case for Internet Access Providers, which translated into Spanish, it is understood as Internet Access Providers.

A bond or link is text or images on a website that a user can click to access or connect to another document. Links are like the technology that connects two sites or two websites. In the browser appear as underlined words (such as To the list of FAQ's at the bottom of this page).

Latency computer. Time it takes for data to become available since the request is made. It can be compared with the reaction time. It is measured in nanoseconds (ns) or milliseconds (ms). The less latency, the better.

Abstraction layers, layer or level. It is a way to hide the implementation details of a particular set of functionality. Perhaps the most popular software models using abstraction layers are OSI Layer 7 (protocol model for computer networks), OpenGL charting library, and model byte stream I / O originated in Unix. // In computer architecture, a computer system is usually represented with five levels (layers) of abstraction: hardware, firmware, assembler, operating system and processes. // (Layer) in 2D plotting a layer or layer is where the graph without affecting other layers. Are overlapped to achieve a complete graph. This method is used, for example, in Flash.

LANs can be connected to each other via telephone lines and radio waves. A system of LANs connected in this way is called a WAN, English acronym wide-area network, wide area network.

LEAP uses a username and password, and supports dynamic WEP key. As a CISCO proprietary technology, requires that the equipment be Cisco and the RADIUS server to support LEAP.

LOAD BIOS DEFAULTS: load a set of default values ​​with little or no optimization, generally useful to return to a certain starting position and resolve problems encountered when starting.


In computer networking, MAC (stands for media access control, in Spanish "media access control") address is a 48-bit identifier (6 hexadecimal blocks) that uniquely corresponds to a card or device network. It is also known as a physical address, and is unique to each device. It is determined and set by the IEEE (the last 24 bits) and the manufacturer (first 24 bits) using the Organizationally Unique Identifier. Most of the protocols that work at Layer 2 of the OSI model uses one of three numbering handled by the IEEE: MAC-48, EUI-48 and EUI-64, which are designed to be globally unique identifiers. Not all communication protocols use MAC addresses, not all protocols require globally unique identifiers.

MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network, which translates Metropolitan Area Network. A MAN network is one that, through a high-speed connection, provides coverage over a large geographical area (like a city or municipality).
With a network MAN can share and exchange all kinds of data (text, video, audio, etc.) via fiber optic or twisted pair cable. This type of network is an evolution of the LAN (Local Area Network and Local Area Network), as it encourages interconnection in a wider region, covering a larger area. On the other side is the WAN (Wide Area Network or Wide Area Network) network, which allows the interconnection of countries and continents.

Mbps or Mbit / s is an acronym that was developed to identify the unit of one megabit per second, which is used to quantify a data rate equal to 1,000 kilobits per second or 1,000,000 bits per second. Importantly, this magnitude is not a speed, because the speed at which data is transmitted has nothing to do with the flow or the flow of information. For example, a radio signal can propagate information provided to the speed of light, regardless of whether to transmit a flow of 1 kb / s to 1 Mb / s.

mIRC is the most widespread platforms for Microsoft Windows IRC client.
Its author is Khaled Mardam-Bey.

mIRC is shareware software license and your evaluation period is 30 days (the latest version is 45 days). After the evaluation period to continue using the program must pay a $ 20 license valid for any new version of mIRC. If the license is not paid by the program is not actually disabled, just have to wait a short time each time it runs before use.

IP Multicast is a method for transmitting IP datagrams to a group of interested receivers. You can view the article multicast for a general discussion of the matter. This article deals specifically with IP multicasting.

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