domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Technical Vocabulary


Defines the use of the two lower levels of the OSI architecture (physical and data link layers) specifying operating rules in a WLAN. The branch 802.x protocols define technology LANs and metropolitan area networks.


Is a modification of the standard IEEE 802.11 broad transfer rate up to 11 Mbit / s using the same 2.4 GHz band. This specification under the marketing name of Wi-Fi have been implanted worldwide. The amendment was added to the standard IEEE 802.11-2007 edition.
The 802.11 is a set of IEEE standards that govern transmission methods for wireless networks. Their versions 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g are used today to provide connectivity in homes, offices and commercial establishments.


This uses the 2.4GHz band (like 802.11b)
but operates at a theoretical maximum speed of 54Mbps, or near
24.7Mbpsde actual transfer rate, similar to the 802.11a standard. It supports the 802.11b standard uses the same frequencies. Much of the design process took the standard to reconcile the two standards. However, in 802.11g networks under the presence of nodes under 802.11b significantly reduces the transmission rate.


A wireless access point (WAP or AP for its acronym in English: Wireless Access Point) in computer networks is a device that connects wired communication devices to form a wireless network. Usually a WAP can also connect to a wired network, and can relay data between connected devices to the wired network and wireless devices. Many WAPs can be connected together to form an even larger network, allowing to make "roaming".

Computer, an adapter is a device in which hardware or software component, which converts data transmitted in a format suited to another. The data format may be, for example, a message sent between objects in an application, or a packet sent across a network comunicaciones.1

In modern personal computers, almost all peripheral devices using an adapter to communicate with the system bus, for example:

     Video adapter, used to transmit the signal to the monitor.
     Adapters Universal Serial Bus (USB) for printers, keyboards and mice, among others.
     Network adapter required to connect to a communications network.
     Host adapter, for connecting hard drives or other storage devices.


Set of symbols that uniquely identify a place, following a format or convention. In computer science there are multiple addresses such as email address, IP address, MAC address, memory address, URL, etc.

An ad hoc wireless network is a wireless network type descentralizada.1 The network is ad hoc because it does not depend on a pre-existing infrastructure such as routers (in Wired) or access points in wireless networks administered. Instead, each node participates in routing by forwarding data to other nodes, so that the determination of these nodes to dynamically make information based on network connectivity. In addition to classical routing, ad hoc networks can use a flooding for re-sending data.

IT administrators control and monitor processing work across mainframe computing capacity. They can be loaded from disk or tape, and run programs. IT administrators also manage errors that occur in the system.


(Advanced Encryption Standard - AES). Also known as Rijndael. Schematic block cipher, which was adopted as a standard by the US government encryption. Gradually replaces its predecessor (DES and Triple DES). AES is one of the most widely used symmetric cryptography algorithms.
It was announced on November 26, 2001 by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), after a standardization process that lasted five years. It became standard on May 26, 2002.

For analog signals, the bandwidth is the length, measured in Hz, of the frequency range in which most of the signal power is concentrated. Can be calculated from a time signal by Fourier analysis. They are also called the effective frequencies belonging to this rank.

Bit is short Binary digit ("bit"). A bit is a digit in the binary numbering system. The storage units are designed symbol bit.1
While in the decimal system ten digits are used in the binary used only two digits, 0 and 1. A bit or binary digit can represent one of these two values​​: 0 or 1.


In telecommunications, it is known as broadband network (of any type) having a high capacity to carry information which influences the transmission rate ésta.1 So then, is symmetrical transmission data which are sent simultaneously several pieces of information, in order to increase the effective transmission speed. Network engineering this term is also used for methods wherein two or more signals share a transmission medium. And two or more data channels are used simultaneously in a single connection, which is called multiplexing (see section below).

A network bridge or bridge is a device interconnection of computer networks that operates at Layer 2 (data link layer) of the OSI model. This interconnected network segments (or divides a network into segments) by transferring data from one network to another based on the physical destination address of each packet. The term bridge formally respond to a device that behaves according to the IEEE 802.1D standard. In short, a bridge connects network segments to form a single subnet (allows connection between devices without 

A browser or web browser, or browser, is a software that allows access to Internet, interpreting information from files and websites so that they can be read.
The basic functionality of a web browser is to allow the display of text documents, possibly with embedded multimedia. It also allows visiting websites and doing activities in it, ie, we can link one site to another, print, send and receive email, among other features more.

A byte is a unit of information composed of a string of adjacent bits. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy says that byte is synonymous with octet (an information unit of eight bits); however, the size of the byte (from the English bite, "bite") depends on the character code which has been defined. 

A cable modem or cable modem is a special type of modem designed to modulate a data signal over a cable infrastructure. The term cable internet (or simply cable) refers to the distribution of an Internet connectivity service on this telecommunications infrastructure.
The cable modem should not be confused with old systems like LAN 10Base2 or 10Base5 coaxial cables they used - and especially 10base36, which actually uses the same type of cable CATV systems. 

The Cross (Cross-over) cable is used to connect two equal devices, for example, a PC with another.
The UTP cable contains eight colorful filaments, which are arranged in pairs, ie 4 pairs.

The client is a software application that consumes or computer a remote service on another computer known as a server, typically via a network of telecomunicaciones.1
The term was first used for terminals called fools, devices that were not able to run programs themselves, but they could connect and interact with remote computers via a network and allow it to undertake all required operations, then showing the results the user. They were used mainly because the cost at that time was much less than that of a computer. These dumb terminals were clients of a mainframe computer through timeshare.


Cisco Systems is a global company headquartered in San Jose, 1 (California, USA), mainly engaged in the manufacture, sale, maintenance and consulting of telecommunications equipment such as:
 connecting devices for computer networks: routers (routers, routers or routers), switches (switches) and hubs (hubs);
     security devices such as firewalls and VPN concentrators;
     IP telephony products such as phones and CallManager (IP PBX);
     network management software such as CiscoWorks and
     equipment for storage area networks.

A switch is a switch or logical interconnection device digital equipment that operates in the data link layer of the OSI model. Its function is to connect two or more network segments, similar to the way network bridges, passing data from one segment to another according to the destination MAC address of the frames on the network.
A switch in the center of a star network

Which node it UN Forming Part Of A Red, Provides Services Other nodes called Customers. 
Also often called self Server With Word one: 

 A software application or program that performs tasks on behalf of Some Other Calls Apps Customers. Some services Usual son of the File Services, which allow users to store and access this in The Archives Of A Computer Applications and Services, which perform tasks directly benefit the end user. This is the original meaning of the term. Can a computer simultaneously satisfies the Functions of Client and Server.


The CSMA / CA protocol (Carrier Sense Multiple Access and Collision Avoidance Multiple Access or Carrier Sense and Collision Avoidance) is used in (IEEE 802.11) wireless local area networks. It works the same way as the CSMA protocol, but if the medium is busy, all stations that wish to pass down a slotted shift following a protocol bitmap.

CTS represents several things in the field of computing. The most common terms are the team of technical support, information technology systems, common type system and common tools Set. Some organizations use information technology system in the CTS company name, making this an acronym often used. bracket 

A database or database is a data set within the same context and systematically stored for later use. In this regard; a library can be considered a database composed mostly of documents and printed texts on paper and indexed for reference. Currently, due to technological development in fields such as computer and electronics, most of the databases are in digital format, this being an electronic component, and therefore has developed and offers a wide range of solutions to the problem data Storage

is basically responsible for translating the complicated series of numbers that make up an IP address in words the user can easily remember.

Each Web page is accessed by an IP address. The problem is that there is so much that it is practically impossible to remember the IP address of each. Imagine that instead of introducing would have to enter in the browser address It would be a very complex task by entering the IP address of each of the pages, plus an almost impossible task.


gateway or default gateway, is your starting point to the device that offers a shuttle service and internet, then regular modem that converts scanned to either browse or a router which routes you signal your private network to the public, both depend on a DNS server that helps you to translate IP addresses into domain names.

Configuration Protocol DHCP stands for Dynamic Host. It is a protocol that enables a computer connected to a network to obtain its configuration (mainly, its network settings) dynamically (ie without special intervention). Just specify to the computer using DHCP to find an IP address independently. The main objective is to simplify network administration. 

A dynamic IP address is an IP which is assigned by a DHCP server to the user. The IP has obtained a certain maximum.
Dynamic IPs are currently offered by most operators without additional expense. These tend to change every time the user reconnects from any cause.

In computer security, a DMZ or (sometimes referred to as a perimeter network) demilitarized zone is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes services to the outside of an organization to a larger and untrusted network, so general Internet. The purpose of a DMZ is to add an additional layer of security to the local area network of an organization (LAN); an external attacker only has direct access to equipment in the DMZ, rather than any other part of the network. The name is derived from the term "demilitarized zone", an area between nation-states in which the military operation is not allowed.

Domain Name System or DNS is basically responsible for translating the complicated series of numbers that make up an IP address in words the user can easily remember.
Each Web page is accessed by an IP address. The problem is that there is so much that it is practically impossible to remember the IP address of each. Imagine that instead of introducing would have to enter in the browser address It would be a very complex task by entering the IP address of each of the pages, plus an almost impossible task.

A device driver or device driver (called in English driver or device driver) is a computer program that allows the operating system to interact with a peripheral, making an abstraction of the hardware and providing transmit the data to use. It can be outlined as an instruction manual that tells you how to control and communicate with a particular device. Therefore, it is an essential piece, without which it could not use the hardware

Download (download) is to copy data (usually an entire file) from a main source to a peripheral device. The term is often used to describe the process of copying a file from an online service to your own computer. The term can also refer to download copy a file from a network file server to a computer on the network. 


The digital subscriber line, or digital subscriber line, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a family of technologies that provide internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network. It is a term used to refer globally to all technologies that provide a digital connection for subscriber line or basic switched telephone network, this family belong subscriber lines: ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2 +, SDSL, IDSL, HDSL , SHDSL, VDSL and VDSL2.

The concept of system decision support (DSS by its acronym Decision Support System) is very large, because there are many approaches to decision making and due to the wide range of fields in which it is taken. These support systems are kind of OLAP or data mining, which provide information and support to make a decision

Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM) is an indication of message traffic that informs customers about the presence of buffer and / or data in multichannel access point. It is generated within the periodic beacon at a frequency specified by the DTIM. 

Last Error in computing, specifically in the field of programming in Windows is called Last Error happened last error using one of the Windows API. The error codes are specific to each thread that is running.

When Api fails, it is common to return NULL or -1 values. You can also log the error to be identified by the program that uses it. This is obtained by a call to GetLastError API, which returns the error code. Another way is using the TIB directly, but this method can be cumbersome or even impossible in some high-level languages​​.

Email (English: e-mail) is a network service that allows users to send and receive messages (also referred emails or letters) by electronic communication systems. Mainly this name is used to describe the system that provides this service on the Internet via the SMTP protocol, but by extension can also be applied to similar systems using other technologies. Through emails you can send not only text, but all kinds of digital documents depending on the system used. Efficiency, convenience and low cost, are making the move to mail regular mail for many common uses.

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is an authentication framework commonly used in WLAN networks Point-to-Point Protocol. Although the EAP protocol is not limited to wireless LAN and can be used for authentication on wired networks, it is more often used in the first. Recently, WPA and WPA2 standards have adopted five EAP types as its official authentication mechanisms. 

(extensible protocol-Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol) authentication - a mutual authentication method that uses a combination of digital certificates and another system, such as passwords

(Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security) - a mutual authentication method that uses digital certificates.